
Mpox (monkeypox) is a viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus, a species of the genus Orthopoxvirus. The Mpox occurrence and symptoms:
Non-fatal sexual asphyxiation (NFS) in younger adults. Here’s what recent research and analysis reveal.
Researchers at Saint Mary’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) conducted a ground-breaking study on NFS. They analysed anonymised data from 2,198 adults who sought forensic medical examination after sexual assault. The findings:
NFS restricts oxygen to the brain, posing immediate and long-term health risks. It can also cause psychological damage and is a predictor of future lethality.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) analysed cases and found that children were present in more than a third of non-fatal strangulation offences. This underscores the gravity of NFS and its impact on families.
While research on younger victims of autoerotic asphyxiation (AEAF) is rare, it’s essential to recognize this behaviour. Older adult males are typically associated with AEAF, but exceptions exist. Documented history may not always be available.
Clinical guidelines have been developed to guide investigation and management for adult and adolescent patients who have experienced NFS. These guidelines address both acute cases (within the last 4 weeks) and symptomatic cases presenting beyond 4 weeks.
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