
Mpox (monkeypox) is a viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus, a species of the genus Orthopoxvirus. The Mpox occurrence and symptoms:
Finding a specialist service can be difficult to find at times. This is why we have created this page to help you find the services near you. Just ask us for help if you cannot find what you are looking for in your search based on your specific needs (e.g., mental health, parenting, addiction recovery). Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide emotional support and a sense of community. Organisations are also welcome to sign up as partners and collaborators in care by listing their services with MyHealthnet. Add your organisation to the list and add MyHealthnet links to your website and flyers.
At MyHealthnet, we believe in empowering young individuals aged 9 to 24 with accurate information and support. Our signposting service acts as a compass, guiding you toward essential resources.
MyHealthnet offers confidential, free, and available across the UK for people young people under 25 years old in need regardless of race colour and other socioeconomic factors. Contact us directly online or reach out to the national health support line if out of hours, or in need of a very urgent mental health service by dialling 111 or 999 if you believe your life or someone else is at risk.
Looking for where you can have a test for HIV, Hepatitis or other STIs? Download and complete the form then send it via the Contact Us for or by email attaching the completed form. Or you could search for your area by clicking the link provided below.
What service are you looking for? Contact us so we can add your organisation to our list.
If you’re a youth service provider passionate about supporting young individuals. MyHealthnet welcomes partnership opportunities with youth service providers.Register now to be part of our community.